A Guide to Immigrating, Working, and Living as a Scandinavian Doctor in New Zealand

by Moana Bywater
Good Together

New Zealand may be at the other side of the world but there will be so much you recognise when you come here to live and work! Dramatic landscapes, fresh air, and a lifestyle that is as packed with adventure and culture as you want it to be. For a small country there is huge diversity and the choice is yours for small town or big city living.

Do some research first though – visit, connect with kiwis (the people, not the bird or the fruit), ask them what they love about Aotearoa New Zealand. If you like what you see or hear and are thinking about New Zealand for a personal and professional switch-up, you have a headstart if you trained in Denmark, Finland, Sweden or Norway. These countries share a comparable health system with NZ which means the process to register as a Doctor here is much more straightforward.

…if you trained in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway or Iceland (..) the process to register as a Doctor i New Zealand (..) is much more straightforward

We’ve gathered all the essential information you need to know about moving halfway around the world to New Zealand to work as a doctor. It’ll help you get a clear picture of what the process looks like, and whether this beautiful country is the right choice for you.

Please download our extensive information package for Scandinavian doctors thinking about relocating to New Zealand.
In the package you wil find a information about the relocation process, costs of lives, how to relocate with family and much more.


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